Centuries ago, in the doom-haunted village of Skinner's Grove, a young girl is falsely accused of witchcraft. Before being burned at the stake, she lays a curse in the Grove and it's inhabitants, a curse that will last for generations to come.
NOW... A paranormal investigator, checking the Grove for clues to an end-of-times prophecy, uncovers a nest of vicious werewolves - the hellspawn of the ancient witch's craft.
Enter the local armed-to-the-teeth militia, sworn to obliterate the Lycanthropic population, and an innocent married couple whose car has broken down nearby, and the stage set for the... Werewolf Massacre at Hell's Gate.
- Release: 2015
TRT: 80min
Rating: NR
Format: Digital Download
Starring: Andrew Baack, James Baack, Raymond Benson, Tina Boivin, & Claire 'Fluff' Llewellyn
Directed By: James Baack