No one is safe with a screaming werewolf on the loose in the big city!
Experimenting in hypnotic regression to past lives, Dr Edmund Redding has discovered that Ann Taylor is a reincarnated Aztec woman. Via her recovered memories, she is able to lead Redding and his associates to a hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Yucatan, where they hope to find the lost treasure of the Aztecs. Instead, they find two mummified bodes - one of a modern man and the other of an ancient Aztec mummy/werewolf and only one is still alive. The supernatural creature escapes and menaces the city that night...
- Original Release: 1964
- TRT: 60min
- Rating: NR
- Format: Digital Download
- B/W
- English
- Starring: Lon Chaney Jr, Yerye Beirute, George Mitchell, & Fred Hoffman
- Directed By: Gilberto Martinez Solares & Rafael Portillo
Face of the Screaming Werewolf - Digital